Six Degrees of Singapore Airlines: Airline Weekly Lounge Episode 45
Wherever you go in the airline industry, you’re never too far from Singapore Airlines, a carrier that played a primary role in—count ‘em— four of the bigger storylines last week. Singapore is pulling out of Brazil. In India, Singapore will likely be a key beneficiary of the end of the 5/20 rule. Singapore and United oddly seem to be rumbling on a San Francisco route. And Virgin Australia is asking Singapore and other investors for more money.
In non-Singaporean news, United Airlines unveiled a plan to generate $3 billion in value. The U.K. is voting on whether to leave the European Union and take its enormous aviation market along with it. We talk about whether Frontier’s day-of-week-specific flying signals a change in approach for the airline. And, lastly, is Alaska really considering keeping the Virgin America brand?
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