Airbus's first-half 2019 results read almost like fantasy fiction now, after looking at the airframer's first-half 2020 results. Then, Airbus was flying high on the strength of its A320 family,…
It's been a rough 18 months or so for Boeing. First, regulators grounded the 737 MAX after two fatal accidents. And now Covid has brought its airline customers to the…
IATA got significantly more pessimistic about when the airline industry will recover. Now, the group thinks traffic will not return to pre-pandemic levels until 2024, a year later than it…
Skift Senior Aviation Business Editor and Airline Weekly Editor Madhu Unnikrishnan look at who's traveling to Europe, why China's airline recovery may be uncertain, and how much longer you have…
Welcome to AW Daily. We're launching this new feature on our website. Monday-Friday every week, we'll post the latest news on the airline industry, data snapshots that catch our eye,…
U.S. airlines sounded common themes as they disclosed gargantuan second-quarter losses. Demand recovery was promising, until it wasn’t. Costs are down sharply, but more painful labor cuts are necessary. Corporate…
Things are getting interesting in the U.S. After a decade of mostly benign market conditions, a pandemic-induced mega-shock has some airlines rethinking their strategies. American sees opportunity to fortify is…
It was nice while it lasted. But the U.S. demand recovery has lost its momentum. After a near-complete freeze in discretionary air travel that started in late March, Americans gradually…
Like a damsel in distress, the world is waiting for its superhero. Not Batman. But a vaccine, which scientists say will likely come soon—before the end of the year, perhaps.…
Jason Clampet and Madhu Unnikrishnan | 5 years ago
Things were going well for easyJet before the crisis. Rivals were perishing. Yields were rising. The short-term question now is can it recover some momentum as European countries reopen their…