Madhu Unnikrishnan

Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

Aside from a few stragglers like Hainan Airlines, Philippine Airlines, and El Al, fourth-quarter earnings season is now finished. Those were simpler times, featuring familiar names near the top of…

'Aviation's Darkest Hour'

The questions are more numerous than the answers. Will warm weather stunt the spread of Covid-19? Can victims be re-infected? When, if ever, can the world produce and administer a…

Uncle Sam to the Rescue

The counterattack is underway. Governments around the world are spending trillions of dollars to cushion their economies from the wrath of Covid-19. In the U.S., the rescue mission will cost…

'State of Emergency'

It’s another week in the war against Covid-19, a once-in-a-century viral pandemic. Like everyone else on planet Earth, airlines are still in a phase of deeply uncomfortable uncertainty, especially about…

The Crisis Deepens

It’s man versus virus. An all-out war. And airlines are directly in the crossfire.

The Corona Crunch

It’s not just a problem for Chinese airlines anymore. Or just airlines in Asia. The Covid-19 virus outbreak is now obliterating demand for travel across the entire world. Suddenly, airlines…

The Covid-19 Crisis

The alarm bells are ringing across the global airline industry. A coronavirus crisis that first decimated China’s travel market is now spreading elsewhere. Not only are people across the globe…
La Compagnie

La Compagnie President: All-Business-Class Can Work

Can an all-business-class airline work? La Compagnie President Christian Vernet thinks so. While others have failed — remember MAXJet? — Vernet said his airline's product sets it apart, and the…

Gulf Growth 2.0

It was New Year’s Day when reports first began surfacing of a mysterious SARS-like virus spreading in the Chinese city of Wuhan. Nearly two months later, public health officials are…