Airlines in the North Atlantic market are adding capacity at a furious clip. That market has been profitable and should continue to be—in the short term, at least—and airlines seem…
Canada may be a cold place, but right now its two major airlines are cruising along with comfortable profit margins. Still, what we’re seeing from WestJet and Air Canada is…
The days when Aeroflot was the world’s largest airline—as the flag carrier of the Soviet Union—are a decades-old memory. But plenty of travelers, including a fair number from outside Russia,…
The creditors of bankrupt Skymark Airlines chose All Nippon Airways (ANA) as its equity partner going forward. This of course leaves Delta—again!—without a dance partner in Asia. With that news,…
With most European airlines having now reported second-quarter earnings, the picture is filling in. But it’s a mosaic—not a portrait. Some carriers did well. Some did lousy. One thing we…
By now it’s clear to all: The dominant theme for U.S. airlines during the springtime second quarter was profitability—immense profitability, driven by much cheaper fuel. In fact, the country’s 10…
American Airlines doesn’t hedge its jet fuel, and now it’s enjoying the fruits of that somewhat contrarian strategy. Is AA onto something here? Is fuel hedging a smart play? Will…