
Nordic by Nature: SAS CEO Rickard Gustafson, racing to keep costs falling faster than revenues, speaks with AW


Nordic by Nature: SAS CEO Rickard Gustafson, racing to keep costs falling faster than revenues, speaks with AW

June 2015
4 min read
Seth Kaplan

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Issue Overview

SAS hopes to please stakeholders with an array of ongoing structural reforms when it reports its February-to-April quarterly results this week. The airline—its post-9/11 history a relentless race between falling costs and falling revenues—is finally getting somewhat of a break on the revenue side this year. Unit revenues are holding firm—last week it reported a 1% y/y rise for April, with May figures looking roughly flat despite strikes that canceled 147 flights. The airline’s CEO Rickard Gustafson spoke with Airline Weekly last week in Miami.